The Friendship House Preschool is a large piece of the Friendship House history as well as the community's. One can say that the Preschool had a modest start in the year of 1958 as a children's milk program, then by the year of 1976 the milk program had been changed to a full fledged nursery school and eventually developed into the preschool that operates to this day.

Mission Statement
Our trained staff of professional Early Childhood Educators and our assistants provide a warm and caring atmosphere, treating each child with dignity and respect. Our philosophy is based on the child center approach, which recognizes play as the natural medium in which children can actively explore their developing skills and personalities. We see each of our children as a unique individual, developing and learning at their own pace and their own way. To encourage the development of the whole child, we provide a wide variety of hands on activities that allow children to interact with the environment. The center and staff value and respect the rights of each individual child to self-expression and we encourage parents input regarding their own child.

As Early Childhood Educators, we are strongly committed to the health, safety and well being of those entrusted to our care. It is our goal to provide an environment that encourages maximum growth and development, both intellectually and emotionally, as well as physically.
When away from his or her parents and guardians, the child needs people who genuinely enjoy children, make them feel secure, give them individual attention and provide them a rich environment for play and learning. For this reason, we feel it is important that all staff members are trained caregivers who:
- Listen to the children when they speak and respond with interest and respect.
- Accept and value children's ideas and suggestions.
- Display a sense of humor.
- Respond with care and understanding to a child who may be fearful, shy, upset, hurt or angry.
- Encourage children to be cooperative with one another.
- Promote the development of problem solving skills and a sense of independence.
- Initiate conversations with the children, other than instruction, announcements and commands.
- Make children feel good about themselves and others.
Our Program
(children 3 to 5 years of age)
We have twenty spaces for each morning and afternoon classes. The children settle into our class under the guidance of our team of three staff members where play is unlimited. Children are not judged when playing, they are encouraged to use and explore all areas of development as play is a learning ground that helps build confidence, motivation, self-esteem and direct learning.
"Play time is a time for growing"
More information can be found in the Preschool-Handbook (PDF, 6 pages, 291 KB).
Where: Friendship House, First Floor
When: Morning Class (Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.)
Afternoon Class (Monday - Friday from 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.)
(Closed NID days and holidays)
Contact: Terry White
Phone: (250) 627-1717 Ext. 26