Hello, my name is Peter Loy. This is my ninth year as the F.H. Mental Health Liaison Worker. The primary focus of my work has been to support clients with issues related to mental health, wellness and healing such as self-care, relationships, parenting, addictions, self-esteem trauma and personal fitness. I’ve also collaborated with several colleagues to plan and deliver programs such as the annual FH Block Party, Thanksgiving and Christmas Community Dinners and Food Hamper programs as well as wild plant harvesting. The various facets of my work keeps things interesting, challenging and fulfilling.
With increased stresses in our communities and families, clients have sought support with a variety of psychological and emotional issues that challenge them. Many of my clients stresses build up in cumulative ways that are challenging them individually as well as in their families.
I have served over 1000 clients this past year through individual counseling sessions and various collaborative activities / events. Included were many individuals and couples who I supported. Many also participated in a variety of special programs and events delivered in collaboration with other Friendship House staff.
One client’s progress has been particularly inspiring. As a 53 year-old-man battling addiction issues, this person returned to school to complete his grade 12, received special recognition from the Dean of the college and acted in various leadership capacities while there.
Other programs, events and collaborations:
- Devils Club - harvesting and processing devils club as traditional medicine.
- Harvesting wild edibles / medicine such as salmon berries, thimbleberries, huckleberries, blueberries, bunch berries, labrador tea, fiddleheads, pine needles, salal berries, fireweed flowers and leaves etc.
- Assisted with planning and delivery of annual Friendship House Block Party.
- Assisted with Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Hamper program.
- Assisted with Thanksgiving and Christmas Community Dinners held at the Nisga a Hall.
- Networked and collaborated with a number of agencies/organizations; including MCFD, Coast Mountain College, RCMP Victim Services, Probation, NCT Society, Northern Health, Berry Patch CCRR Center, North Coast Community Services School District 52, Kitkatla and Lax Kw’alaams.
This has been another successful and rewarding year. I feel that I’ve offered quality service to my clients and that they have received value from their time in my program.
--Peter Loy

Contact: Peter Loy
Phone: (250) 627-1717, Ext. 30
Mental Health Outreach is funded by the Province of British Columbia.