My name is Anna Zanella, Executive Director of the Friendship House. I am
honoured to provide you with some highlights of the Organization for this past
fiscal year.
I am very pleased to report that the Friendship House has grown as an inclusive
community organization with over 45 ongoing programs and services, and now
employs over 42 staff. The Friendship House has 2 other buildings; one of which is
our Kaien Island Daycare services and the other is the Pioneer Inn.
This past fiscal year saw the Friendship House going strong with an array of
community activities as the World came out of the Pandemic. The Friendship
House was able to remain supportive to community members. I would like to
extend appreciation to our staff, administration, contract partners, volunteers,
Board and Members for pulling together in these trying times, and working
towards maintaining connectivity and positive ways of interacting and caring
for one another.
This year we have had over 513,377 points of service and more than 51,475
clients attended The Friendship House Programs, and Services; either in person,
or at remote activities or virtually.
Our centre has 5 social enterprises in addition to regular programs and services.
The social enterprise services include, EVAW bus transportation service to and
from Terrace, BC; KIDS Daycare Services is multi-age childcare for ages 0-11
years; our Preschool in the main building for ages 3-5 years has been in
operation along with the Friendship House for over 64 years; our Community
Kitchen/Youth Catering Service started in the past 4 years; and the Pioneer Inn
which we acquired in 2017. All of our social enterprises have been running at full
capacity; which includes an increase in bookings at the Pioneer. We more than
tripled the revenue sales, and this peak season for the hotel looks very promising
with bookings having started early.
The Friendship House has undergone many wonderful changes this past year
which includes renovations. Our centre’s 5th phase of renovations is in progress,
and we hope to have the Children’s Discovery Garden and Playground Project
fully complete by end of the summer 2023. To date the outside of our main
building has been painted, new windows installed, new back deck and a new
door for the Preschool. Our new Food Service Room will be operational in
August 2023, will enhance our community kitchen with increased hamper
distributions, and a new space for elder’s tea socials and any other meetings.
--Anna Zanella