Alchohol and Drug Program
The A & D program has continued to offer a variety of inspiring and motivational workshops, training, group and individual counseling sessions.
Over the years, I have focused mainly on individual counseling services to assist in alleviating the impact of substance use, trauma, and mental health. The A&D Counselor uses different counseling approaches including (but not limited to) Harm-Reduction, trauma-informed, and client-centered.
The Alcohol and Drug program continues to work with clients in one-on-one counseling sessions; offering support, relapse & Drug and Alcohol psycho-education, coping strategies, treatment planning (including applications for treatment centers throughout BC), Alcohol and drug assessments, and referrals to other programs (both within the FHAPR, and other agencies and support within the community and province-wide).
The Alcohol and Drug program continues to also provide assistance with treatment center applications and connection to the Adult Management withdrawal unit, community outreach and prevention activities and programs, psycho-education and awareness, and one-on-one counseling for substance
use. This program helps to bridge gaps by connecting individuals with both local, provincial, and in-house programs that are tailored to suit the individuals’ specific and unique needs
--Katie Mierau

The Alcohol and Drug Program is funded by the Province of British Columbia.