I have been working the front office and assisting the accounting office. I will get on average 52 contacts of service via phone calls, email and walk-in clients. As part of the front office I provide calls to the programs, staff support and provide access to the building for the pubic and staff. I’m also the contact for the security system if needing entry to the buildings. I book the EVAW bus shuttle that runs twice a week. We collect the names and contact information of the passengers. I upload the stats to the website. I help the accounting office with filing, deposits and printing. We received positive feedback about the upgrades to the building and the new bus for EVAW. As my position here has expanded I find more enjoyment in my job and happy to serve the public. As I take on the other duties, we have a part time worker Halim Adedokun. He is at the front office for reception support, and helps with the EVAW stats.
--Vincent Sampare