My name is Diane Hopkins I work at the Friendship House in the ASCD program in Prince Rupert BC. ASCD provides services to children who require support to attend daycare, preschool or any early learning center in our community and outlining communities.
This year I have worked alongside with and did some observations for those needing extra support, Friendship House Preschool, KIDS Daycare, Fellowship Preschool, Westview Childcare Center, Strong Start, Parent tot drop-in Program, Friendship House Parents group all based in Prince Rupert. We also offered early learning care packages and online activity resources to four outlining communities.
When I visit Early Learning centers, Daycare s, preschools, I enjoy presenting hands-on activities such as making home made play dough, messy art, nature walks, safe spaces circle time, and weekly/monthly planning with staff.
ASCD consultant main focus is to assist families and other professionals to find child care spaces, make referrals to appropriate avenues the clients need in that moment, provide mentoring to childcare providers to ensure a warm welcoming space for children & families, ensure a rich learning environment.
I am particularly pleased to report on our parent’s group- it’s a group of 40 parents in our region who over the year reached out for support for different matters from potty training ideas, arts & crafts, and how to get the child interested in outdoor play, parents’ group also receives free parenting and ECE webinars that get emailed to me from various groups around BC. During this
past summer of 2023 we set up many play dates between families to help enhance social skills.
--Diane Hopkins

Contact: Diane Hopkins
Phone: (250) 627-1717 Ext. 24
The ASCD program is funded by the Province of British Columbia.